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Décembre 2008, Grèce : une tentative d’identifier la force et les limites de notre lutte Δεκέμβρης 2008: Μια προσπάθεια να ανιχνεύσουμε τη δύναμη και τα όρια του αγώνα μας
December 2008, Greece: An attempt to detect the power and the limits of our struggle

Although the state and the spectacle attempted to reduce the events of December 2008 to “riots by youngsters” whose inherent in their age sensitivity justifies their reaction against grown-ups’ world, these events are the most important historical ones during the last 35 years in Greece. In December a minority of the working class that lives in this little corner of the world rebelled. Through its actions, it criticised contemporary social relations, labour, commodity, state. This destructive and at the same time creative critique was anti-capitalist and not reformative; it expressed the need for overcoming capitalist relations.
[…] Joulukuu 2008, Kreikka: yritys paikantaa kamppailumme voima ja rajat Siirry kommentteihin (Blaumachen) […]
[…] Prespective Journal. Our comrades from IP present their critique of our main article about the Greek riots of December 2008 that was published on the third issue of our Journal. Our response can be found here, just below […]